يعرف الكثيرون بلاك تشاينا وماضيها… علاقاتها مع عائلة كارداشيان، ومسيرتها المبكرة في التعري، وفتراتها مع المعجبين فقط، وعلاقات الماضي التي كانت كلها علنية للغاية. لكنها بدأت صفحة جديدة وهي مستعدة لمشاركة جانبها الجديد، أنجيلا وايت. تابعوا ليكراي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي – 📮 انضم إلى المحادثة… معاينات حصرية وخصومات ومحتوى إضافي والمزيد: لمشاهدة برنامجي في وقت مبكر من كل أسبوع، قم بتنزيل تطبيق B-side مجانًا! 📱 B-side للآيفون 📱B-side للأندرويد اشترك في قناة B-Side على اليوتيوب: www.youtube.com/@TheB-SideAPP هل تريد دعم B-Side ماليًا؟: انضم إلى Discord الخاص بنا: بث “ما زلت أؤمن”: علامات الفصل 0:00 – المقدمة 1:06 – طفولة بلاك شاينا وأخلاقيات عملها 4:47 – الفتاة الجميلة: الهوية والثقة 5:57 – عالم الرقص: أفكار وتجارب بلاك شاينا، وكيف جاء اسمها 12:52 – كسب المال بطرق معينة، كيف دخلت بلاك شاينا إلى OnlyFans 16:46 – التغيير: متى وكيف، والحياة الرصينة 26:57 – إدارة ومعالجة السيناريوهات والآراء ووسائل الإعلام 28:54 – عملية التغييرات الجسدية 32:40 – سوء الفهم والنمو كـ World Watchs 33:50 – رائد الأعمال الخالد، والتصورات العامة 37:37 – عدم الاعتماد على أي شخص: بناء شيء جديد 39:52 – نصيحة من بلاك شاينا، وتتحدث عن نظام دعمها 41:35 – الانتقال إلى التمثيل، وكيف تريد بلاك شاينا أن يراها العالم 42:42 – حقيقة الحياة الطبيعية: من هي أنجي؟ 46:15 – العودة إلى الدائرة الكاملة – ماذا ستحمل هذه الحياة؟ 48:12 – اختتام المحادثة: الحفاظ على الواقع 51:41 – الخاتمة معرف MusicBed: MB01ZMETOPWUWCV |موقع قفشات


50 تعليق

  1. Hey Crae, I appreciate this interview and more specifically you sharing your issues with drinking. As someone who has followed your career since 2004 (I was 17) and hearing you talking about your real-human issues and stuff- I respect and honor you on that. I was reminded of the ol' proverb "don't meet your heroes", not because of your faults, but because of the need for me to not put people on a pedestal. Alongside that, I shouldn't put some people on a stricter judgment scale than I would put on a Jo-shmo. I got my own vices, my own demons as a Christian and a youth pasto r(I don't even like mentioning being a YP because of my vices). I appreciate you man, and love what you are doing with Deep End.

  2. Are you saying it’s ok to be luke warm or ok to straddle the fence? Explain your understanding to be holy as I am holy. When I was a child I did childish things but as I am maturing I put away childish things. I’m peculiar,chosen by God.Interview me💯

  3. We shouldn't use the Lords name in vain, especially when ur talking about how u have changed for the Lord and was baptized. We have to show an example and its our responsibility to call one another out on things we need to work on when it comes to our faith and relationship with Jesus. I think it's so awesome that u have given ur heart to the Lord.! We need to make Heaven crowed.! God bless ❤️

  4. I'm proud of her but she didn't really say nothing alot of vague responses .. Lacrae was really trying to pull out the truth but she been in the industry for awhile so she gave a PR interview wish it was deeper …… I hope she continues this path she looks good.

  5. When I heard what happened to Angela, I was so happy. I am praying that God surround her with godly people and that she not experience church hurt. I pray she receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit and continues to grow in grace.🙏🏾

  6. @BlacChynaWorld keep on running for God the REST of your LIFE!
    Not just for you but for those PRICELESS GEMS God loan you with the Prince & Princess. Train up a child in a way they shall follow. You are a BLESSING SIS…Thank You Angela😉🫶🏽😪🙏🏽
    @lecrae God Bless You for showing casing her as the Queen she is brother 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  7. Great interview Both so open and great questions ❤❤I knew she had brain and heart 💖 she never was a im a find a rich man too much she hustled her way to fame babydaddys dont pay child support thats a fact she gpt famous before dating Rob,,,,,Tyga iz a lil broke nikka too i knew she was gpnna realize one day i relate too much ….if u see it from another angle everyone was like bitch ,hoe,golddigger,villan –she was looked down alot when she got w rob kardashians wete like omg she gonna get all the money from rob but kim is worst than her porn videos they hate each other being sisters Angela real she knows how to grind for every dollar ………u all get meee god bless and Angela stay focoused god works in mysterious ways❤

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