
44 تعليق

  1. These girls are too easy. Leave em for the simps.

    If she hasn't got a degree and can cook, and doesn't know how and when to talk. She should not even show her face.

    These aren't men.
    They aren't anything.

  2. Girl on the left has a quarter of a brain and its all focused on cream and the girl on the right seems like she does not match with this crowd for a second 😂

  3. That's probably gonna be some poor kids mother, and then grandma. I actually can't wait until the very near future where generations after us can still look back at old online videos of us. 😂 she's legit on the Internet FOREVER. Her great, great, great, great grandchildren have a possibility of seeing how disgusting their great, great, great, great grandma was 😂😂

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