
37 تعليق

  1. If she was attacked he should be punished for his actions however, I’m sorry to say this but her responses is giving one of two things, victim self blaming and I need to protect him to protect my bag. Please don’t come for me I am a victim advocate that goes to court with my victims and I have been doing it for over 20 years. But I will always stand on the side of truth let the law do it’s job.

  2. Rodney, I just want you to know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your channel. You always speak the truth. Just wanted to chime in on Claudia Jordan scenario. DISCLAIMER It is perfectly wonderful and beautiful for people of other races, religions etc. to date and marry. However, when you speak of black men who chronically date white women for the fact that they are white………… You mentioned that some of these black men say that black women are too masculine. Well, black women had to be the man and woman or masculine in a household because black men could not take care of us. We all know this goes back to slavery when black families were separated and the black man was broken. Fast forward to the 20th century, the welfare system only reiterated this system by saying those women on welfare can't have a man in the house. So, as you said, for some of these men it helps them feel closer to being white. However, I also think that that it is easier for them to date white women because they don't have to put in that much effort. The white woman comes with automatic "golden goose eggs" where she has instant privilege due to her skin and more than likely, has more generational wealth behind her. Therefore, it's easier to be with her because he just doesn't have to put in that much work. When a black man is with a black woman who is worth something, the man (and the woman) have to put in WORK on all levels to reach slightly above average. With that said, that's just too much for some of these black men.

  3. He cousin. I recently watched Angela Yee show, she had Donell Rawlings a.k.a Ashy Larry on. (It was only reason why I tuned in)
    She treated him like 💩. She wouldn’t let him talk and seemed to be annoyed every time the COMEDIAN mad a joke. I turned it off when she started interviewing a guy I didn’t know.

  4. The receipts are not receipting. So they were fighting over his phone, what specifically happened then? Until we get full info, bye majors. I love this new Angela White❤ rebrand.

  5. I am going to take this bullet so here it goes. Full Disclosure: I LOVE THIS CHANNEL. I DO DV WORK AND HAVE FIRST HAND ✋🏾survivorship understanding of victimization but I AM NOT A BELIEVE ALL WOMEN WOMAN. I am not. The only living creatures I will tend to blindly believe are children. Do with that what you will. Let the chips fall where they may. My reasons you ask? Well my full list will not fit on this page but just for contemporary references: Amy Cooper, Carolyn Bryant, Marcus Dixon, Miya Ponsetto, Teresa Klein, Central Park Five and the ENTIRE INNOCENCE PROJECT EXONERATED LIST IN PAST 10 YEARS. Unfortunately add Kadijah Brown (Mississippi) to this list. Sorry not sorry at all. Just to be clear, I am not interested one iota if she is the color of the midnight sky or is as white as ocean foam, I am interested in the TRUTH or in the LIE that can destroy a life. I have sons, godsons, nephews, nieces, who must navigate this world with an unfortunate assumption of violence because of phenotype, so I do not play about any of these labels or rumors. Especially do I not allow my daughters or nieces to allow any man or woman lay so much as an ill placed fingernail on their person!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!

  6. Maybe Lionel has a "prelude" before the initial 15. As long as everybody gets "theirs"…

    All I get out of women telling about being abused is self value….no matter what race.

    I'm the youngest and always specialized in "tattling". I never experienced abuse and the people say NEVER say never….BUT I'm telling!

    I'll shake the table on another day about my thoughts on your commentary about what TK said.😊

  7. I think Nene would be a great fit. She gives great shade and commentary. She has her own personality and the guys couldn't believe she was holding her own opinion. Nene or Keke Palmer would be great.

  8. White women historically have cried wolf regarding our black men. This has nothing to do with black men being able
    To get away with harming black women. This is about White women having a history of lying and using their privilege to harm our men. How many times have we watched videos of a white woman crying over the phone with 911 pretending to be mu2dered for no good reason. I’m not saying he didn’t do anything to her, but I will say this country is suppose to be innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn’t seem to apply to our men.

  9. the release text messages are nothing more than a PR campaign to change the narrative. Anyone with an inch of reading comprehension won't conclude his innocence after reading those messages. They just wanted to change the headlines.

  10. I feel like Johnathan Majors is 100 💯 percent guilty and the text messages ain’t helping his case at all 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫠🫠🫠 Jen Shahs lawyer gonna have him under the jail 😂😂😂😂😂

  11. I really liked Jess Hilarious on The Breakfast Club; she was funny and wasn’t nervous/timid to say what she wanted. I wouldn’t mind Flame Monroe coming in once in a while as she does.

    Way Up w/ Angela Yee is BOOORRRING!

  12. Well…since she’s stating that she made false allegations, if they decide to charge her for lying 🤥 would she change her story again…to keep from going to jail…uummmm….there should be consequences against women who make false allegations against men….in this case we probably won’t know the truth of what really happened…..how did her neck get bruised and why did she go to the he hospital 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️…I’m confused…js

  13. To be honest the GF does sound unhinged, she isn’t forming complete sentences and it’s very scattered. The lawyer needs to be fired. I just don’t know what to believe. Also some people refer to ARGUMENTS as “fights”. Where I’m from a fight is physical not an exchange of words.

  14. To me it sounds like a domestic violence victim who feels guilty that she got her boyfriend in trouble. It’s ok when no one knows what’s going on but when the world finds out, they want to protect the person that’s hurting them. I don’t think the text messages make him look innocent, clearly something happened and she had visible markings on her🤷🏽‍♀️

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