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25 تعليق

  1. If she gives it an honest go, I don't think that it would be fair to hold her to her past. Yes past behavior is a predictor of future behavior, but in some cases people do make an honest turn around. Look at Malcolm X. He was all the way fucked up and turned himself around into being a stallion. Honest, upright, square dealing, family orientated, purposeful and positive. And the Nation Of Islam turned a lot of men's lives around and we don't hold them to their past. If she's for real trying to get it right going forward, as a someone who believes in ideas like redemption, second chances, change for the better and other things that help people choose to do right whenever they choose to. We all make mistakes, granted they may not be as raw as some other people, but we'd be virtue signaling if we held her to her past if she's not about all that anymore. We all have the right to redemption and second chances. Especially if we're genuinely pursuing doing things right going forward.

  2. Of course she can. It's through actions & time bonded with CONSISTENCY. She can change her appearance. Say XYZ. Do this that and the third but if she doesn't continue to follow through and be consistent and mean what she's saying and doing… Then there's no real change, it's a mask as you say.

  3. Too late you ran through and no value. They all do this once they know they hit the WALL. It is just no we are hyper fixated. But this s routine and par for the course. Switch it up at 30 and act like you ain't been piped a dozen times. She still for the streets, 7 yrs later she will be divorcing someone.

  4. just because you identify as christian doesn't mean you are.
    just because you identify as a tree doesn't mean you're one.
    its america you can identify as anything..

  5. Its all OUT THERE.. So its great for her, but would YOU want to be the “next” guy??

    II agree, only if she is not MONETIZING from it could it be genuine. She is just AHEAD of the curve. (or WALL).

    But make NO MISTAKE, Women are JUST AS SEXUALLY stimulated visually just like men are.. men are not MORE than women. They are better fooling men and “creating” the narrative than men are..

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