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24 تعليق

  1. Tyga’s grandma spends more time with King and his grandma barely speaks English. His grandma isn’t even paid to be with his son. Blac Chyna is being ridiculous.

  2. Say what you want but she’s keeping it 100… I’m liking this new arc in her life. Tons of “famous” people and even non famous people also go thru money issues behind the scenes. Money goes as fast as it comes sometimes. It’s all about learning. And 176,000 is no small feat. Or to me at least. So she still is living good enough… And she’s also currently in an intensive legal battle. In fact has been in multiple legal battles these past few years… Do people not understand how expensive legal battles are? Many people with deep pockets have been broken by that… People should know the facts before being so quick to judge lmao.

  3. The world will give you whatever you want but believe me the world wants something back. Don't get it twisted. Material drama how many people have died because of fame. There is certainly a price for fame stay true to you.

  4. She was too pretty for tyga and rob, shame on them for Not giving her 50 50 custody and child support. The fact he left her for a 16 year old should be brought up to the judge. SHAME ON TyGa , hes gross 😡

  5. I think her earnings of 200 Million on ONLY FANS was sensationalized and is not accurate. She probably made around 75 million and walked away with half of that, especially if you account for how much she has to pay out in taxes. Now that she has quit she has lost her main source of income and she has to adjust her lifestyle accordingly.

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