4 نجمات أفلام إباحية سابقات ندمن على ذلك. لدي مشكلة مع الأفلام الإباحية. من فضلكم صلوا من أجلي وسأصلي من أجلكم. بارك الله فيكم |موقع قفشات
4 نجمات أفلام إباحية سابقات ندمن على ذلك. لدي مشكلة مع الأفلام الإباحية. من فضلكم صلوا من أجلي وسأصلي من أجلكم. بارك الله فيكم |موقع قفشات
32 تعليق
Now tell their name
I want Nika Venom return back to normal life, If anybody help me to do so, I shall be grateful to you forever. I don't want this industry yo thribe anymore.
I feel bad for them but why this video? What was the point of this? Your bringing up the past they dont wanna hear no more and disrespecting pornstars that actully know they want to do it long term with no regrets
I would stop talking them if they quit porn
لاإله إلا الله، الله أكبر
الله يصرفك عنك و عن جميع المؤمنين على هذن الفاحشة .
2.5 kids?
Who is the 2nd and 3rd woman?
Just try to be a better person. Don’t act as if you’ve been forced to be a victim.
3rd girl name
Who is 2 one
Best of luck to you.
Wow, this is a masterpiece! Pure artistry!

Beef flaps so large and low hanging they could be surgically removed and used for mud flaps on an off road truck.
I don’t feel sorry for any of them. They had a choice to do that stuff and they also had the choice to either keep doing it or to stop doing it. It is kind of like the bad habit of smoking except the social stigma around d smoking I feel would not be as drastic as someone that has done or continues to do porn. Unless they were forced into the industry by force then I have no sympathy for any of them. There are all kinds of women out there that are extremely attractive that have decided to work their butts off doing normal respectable jobs like most of us all have and they have never even considered doing porn or getting involved in any form of the industry. But with that said I feel like more and more women are taking the easy road if they are somewhat attractive, rather than working at a regular job. But not all the blame can or should be placed on the increased pressure women maybe facing to enter such an industry especially with the advent of Onlyfans and the rise of extremely weak men…. With that all said. Cheers!!!
Pornstars when their actions have consequences

Its your choice so stop talking shit
2.5 kids ?

Porn has not everything good
BS completely
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
Mia khalifa still doing similar shit
Sorry ladies you made your choice you don't get treated like a respective lady when you're one Google search away from people seeing videos of you taking back shot's and i don't mean me i dont master bait i was addicted to it as a teenager so i refuse to do it completely now but to most guys you're a piece of meat and its because you sold yourself like one you can't advertise a product and not expect people to think they can't buy it thats just the way life go's
But Jesus is a man
People who hate porn

Well, hope you know that you're not only promoting what you're running away from but also not helping yourselves because not many people look for things like that and get a face stock in the head because they forgets. I don't no how these people lives after they realized. The phycologists must be very good at their jobs.
what are their names

just kidding