انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على امتيازات: Tokyo Toni (والدة Blac Chyna) القصة الكاملة: عائلة كارداشيان، ILLUMINATI، Kanye، الزواج، الجنس والشهرة —– تبرع لشركة REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud: الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #blacchyna #botched |موقع قفشات
انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على امتيازات: Tokyo Toni (والدة Blac Chyna) القصة الكاملة: عائلة كارداشيان، ILLUMINATI، Kanye، الزواج، الجنس والشهرة —– تبرع لشركة REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud: الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #blacchyna #botched |موقع قفشات
21 تعليق
I don't even really know who blacChyna is… but she's hot AF with that short blonde shave. Sexy!
Ugggg nothing wrong
Yess. !!! It’s. You. !!! . Her. mother that. is obviously. The issue.
Why the fuck the inside of mouth look like tar?
Her momma is a hating ass woman
stop shitting om your daughter, your what's wrong!!!!
She cracked the code
She's the worst. Be a MOTHER to her.
That's crazy
This is why some women will always feel insecure, even your own circle talking wack
What a good mom. So nice and loving and respectful to her daughter.
Wow what a nasty old heifer. To talk about her daughter like that. Tokio is nothing but a clout chaser and a hater. She's definitely not as godly as she pretends to be.
A mother jealous and hateful of the baby she carried for nine months
She makes it her mission to abuse her power as a mother
To be the single person on this planet who can betray and hurt her child to the point of destruction and she executed with all the evil intent that every fiber of her being can muster
I absolutely abhor mother like her
Psyche patients that entertain nothing but cruelty to the vulnerable bonded hearts of their children
I detest this beastly internally dark disgrace to Motherhood
This Chyna thing is a scam and here yall go believing her BS
Satan the lord rebuke Tokyo!!!! The devil she is
She's toxic
What a supportive mother
Anyone who believes they are against one another is definitely mistaken!
Growth is constant adjustments.

The book of Revelations talks about this. The Mother of Harlots and Abomination of the Earth. This woman is sicker than sick.
You and your mom should NOT be stripping at the same time.
Idk try intense therapy 
I wish she would just be a good mother because I don't care how old we get we all need our mothers I wish mine was still here it hurts to not have a mother