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36 تعليق

  1. Her nose is holding on by a bit of string littlery 😂 and u could dive through them teeth😆 look her hands compared two her face😂 she's finished another one sat there chatting 💩 all story's and waffle no tapes! No auccshull proff! Obviously crazey shit is going on but alot of people be jumping on this train! After all it's entertainment 🤷‍♂️✌️💯🇬🇧

  2. SHES SOOOO FUNNY. she probably only liked straight men possibly? But cus its will everyone wants to make assumptions. Bksexual men are cute and im bisexual too. But when i date i date straight me. I prefer men over women.

  3. Has YouTube become so pussy that we have to edit out bisexual.

    So all the bitching that gay people did over the decades for everyone to accept their lifestyle and now we can't say none of their corresponding letters.

    Look, if you fuck both genders you're bisexual if you're a girl and outright gay if you're a guy.

    If you are killed you are not un-alived you're fucking dead.

    And if you off yourself you committed suicide.

    Words exist for a reason so deal with it you hoes.

  4. The reason they're beeping out bisexual is because they don't want this to be in a positive lgbtq plus contacts. You have two grown men both of consenting age. There's not a kid inside. And if they're bisexual so the f*** what? Jada pinkett Smith has screwed more guys than a door handle has had turns so what does it matter?
    The only time it matters the only time it matters is whenever somebody takes advantage of their position I need the rapes grooms or destroys a young person's life. And that is not a person who's bisexual a person who's part of the LGBT community know that's a pedophile there's a very big f**** difference

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