عندما يكاد طعام روب يسقط في السيارة، يدخل الزوجان المخطوبان في تبادل حاد للكلمات. تحقق من ذلك على “روب وتشاينا”! اشترك: حول E! الترفيه: E! على نبض الثقافة الشعبية، حيث تقدم للمعجبين أفضل محتوى أصلي بما في ذلك المسلسلات الواقعية والبرامج الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية وأخبار الترفيه العاجلة والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين المتحمسين الحصول على ما يكفي من أغاني الثقافة الشعبية لدينا بما في ذلك “مواكبة عائلة كارداشيان” و”توتال ديفاز” و”فيري كافالاري”. ومع وجود برامج أصلية جديدة في الطريق، فإن المعجبين لديهم المزيد ليحبوه. شاهد الحلقات الكاملة: تواصل مع E! الترفيه: قم بزيارة موقع E! الإلكتروني: أعجب بصفحة E! على فيسبوك: تحقق من E! على إنستغرام: تابع E! على تويتر: تابع E! على سبوتيفاي: Rob & Chyna | شجار بين روب كارداشيان وبلاك شاينا بسبب البطاطس المقلية | E!
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33 تعليق
Don’t ARGUE WITH A PREGNANT WOMAN why won’t men get that

Blac Chyna looks gorgeous

Blac Chyna I'm wait for ya! Season 6 lol

She’s right, but they have a beautiful daughter on the way and that’s a blessing.
Calling someone psycho in an argument especially a pregnant woman will instantly put you in the wrong
Chyna is the first person I’ve seen eat her chick fil a with honey mustard my opinion the honey mustard is the best
My God…knocking up a ghetto skank like that would be a nightmare.
Lmfao what the tounge ring have to do with anything
I’m not your mother

Rob is lazy….
Why everyone is defending this girl? She is rude and psychotic how the hell does he stand her? I would have thrown her out the window…no one has teached her manners for sure
Why does she have a big face
Theyre the couple that should have never happened. Blac Chyna secured that Kardashian baby though
Then of course it comes out later she threatened him with a gun and tried to stab him and her friends were angry at her for destroying her own relationship. She was crazy.
She should be kissing his behind. She is so into that phone that she can't hold the food. Wow! She has a true come up and blew it with Rob and Tyga. Now she is selling her clothes and running bro religion because things are going bad.
When a woman makes everything about her booty. All the attention her booty get she created when she got booty shots. Run! Don't walk and don't look back. Same with a man. Being to cocksur is a turn off. What else u got?
Despite the French fries drama, I can see why Rob is single af. He’s a gaslighter and acts so spoiled at his big age.
I honestly feel as if Rob talked sh*t to her in private and gaslit her! He came off as if he truly believed that he’s better than her and looked down on her! I’m glad she has turned her life around and I Pray they have a great co-parenting relationship!
i quote this whole argument randomly
Rob has this annoying passive aggressive way of pushing peoples buttons. That annoying smirk.
Yeah rob would get on my nerves too
“You have to choose one or the other. Your phone or the fries.” The phrase: “you have to” makes this a demand and not a request. First of all, Angela is an adult and not a child! Even though he uses a low pitch and soft voice, the control and hostility are EVIDENT in his words.
“Take the tongue ring out and relax!” The sentence is blatantly an attack on her appearance, while couched in a soft tender almost caring low tone. Mixed message. That reminds me of how the Kardashians fight. Smile while attacking with malicious innuendo and slights. He is trying to low key assaulting her appearance and insinuate she is NOT relaxed. That’s PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE.
“You psycho!” Now, if that don’t set a person off? He is insinuating she has mental health issues. The phrase is meant to embarrass her before the viewing audience. He is trying to use the court of public opinion to sway people into seeing Angels as aggressive while he is the victim. This is EXERCISING power and control by manipulation. He is attacking her state of mind, character, and manner with these “low key” hostile mischaracterizations.
His over all attitude and behavior expresses notes of superiority and condescension. He DOES NOT like her! His manner indicates, he loathes her. This is just distasteful and toxic behavior. Classic text book passive aggressive behavior. The kind that destroys self esteem and causes a person to develop a poor self image and insecurity. She needs to stay away from him.
This low key hostility is triggering Angela. Rob clearly has low emotional intelligence and anger issues as he doesn’t seem to be able to regulate his approach nor see his approach is aggressive. He doesn’t seem to express empathy. He is upsetting her and doesn’t pull back when her voice spikes which clearly expresses emotional pain, hurt, and anxiety.
Instead, he eggs her on by telling her she needs anger management. Now he’s her therapist!
This is text book narcissist behavior.
He was ignorant and I would have responded the same way.. “choose one” excuse u!?
What's the point of a cup holder for holding those treats. Hello 2023 what car invention we haven't had that's not flying yet Marty

why would you give a women , a pregnant woman a ultimatum rob is such a fat depressive loser
Chyna is very dc lol just like her mom
Bro he hardcore gaslighting Chyna. She got mad coz she felt disrespected and he's like "You got anger issues" "Why you yelling you psycho". I feel so bad for her whattt.
Rob was the problem
Dude…..she's pregnant…..wtf is this treatment
Did he really treat her like that while pregnant?
Did he love her ?
She fumbled , they were really setting her up to be married and she should have done it
That was so cringe
This guy has serious mommy issues, so I get why she got mad. She didn’t get into this relationship to be his mommy substitute. Guys like this are so annoying.
He has a way of getting on your last nerve without doing much.