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47 تعليق

  1. I don’t care what she says. I loved Wendy and I wish that she could come back. She was the realist thing on TV. And you my jealous, clout chaser would just be another topic.

  2. Chyna was awesome 👏 with Wendy. I lost my mom to dementia. It’s so cool the way Angela just listened and just knew… know what I mean? She handled it was grace & EMPATHY. A friend in Need is A Friend INDEED! 😊

  3. Hate to sya it but i only know her through Wendy. The stuff was funny…so was the stuff agianst her daughter. I didn't take the dogging seriously. It was typical Wendy tear-down.

    Keep forgetting how hurtful picking on people can be to them mentally and professionally. Wendy went after people's livelihoods, often for ninreason butnto hate, with all guns blazing.

    Praying for all, especially fir the kids…

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