طوكيو توني تتحدث عن زيارة ويندي ويليامز إلى بلاك شاينا، وديدي وآي لوميناتي، وشبكة زيوس، وإرث كارداشيان انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على حق الوصول إلى الامتيازات: —– تبرع لصالح REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #wendywilliams |موقع قفشات
طوكيو توني تتحدث عن زيارة ويندي ويليامز إلى بلاك شاينا، وديدي وآي لوميناتي، وشبكة زيوس، وإرث كارداشيان انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على حق الوصول إلى الامتيازات: —– تبرع لصالح REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #wendywilliams |موقع قفشات
38 تعليق
How she even get a name explain this to me
I like her
Abuse is abuse, if Diddy was in a position of power, which he is, a lot of these man feel pressured and scared into doing things they don't want too. Knowing the rumors about jim, i would have recorded too just in case, some people dont know how to talk no for an answer. Its a safety thing, and you wouldnt know if there was a crime commited without the recording. Shes not the brightest in the box, she seems like the type of women and mother who would slit shame her young daughter, if she came to her saying she got molested or soemthing by a friend of her mother's.
she looks like the black lucille ball
Real talk it would have been an assault crime cause I would have smacked the hell outta puff or who ever
I can’t even look at her mouth… let alone believe anything she says! Yuck
Jaguar and others have said these victims were drugged before the act
She's right I been saying this
YUP YUP! Why talk about it know! You had something to do with it! You sick with them! Taping people,you a part of it bro!
She was probably the best in bed 30 years ago
Ah yes. SA can't happen to guys.
Her faces throw me off
I believe lil Rod in that he probably saw both freaky stuff and illegal stuff, but I think Toni is right he wad most likely a willing participant. He probably saw Cassie get a pay day and thought hes going to get one too. Im all for taking down the Diddler but I dont think every dude that had a freak off with puff deserves a check. Why didnt he leave after the very 1st incident unless he had a plan from day 1 to sue puffy
Every time I see a video of this lady, I stop. She draws attention because she’s smart AND gorgeous! She always leaves me with something to chew on.
She don't know what she talking about….
The shit that holds on!!,Is up sired!!!
At least 60.
Why it look like she eat
makeup is a terrible drug
All I know diddler is guilty, we don’t know if he threaten his life or his family, this is not a laughing matter, look at Usher and Justin
She is Thick!
This monstrosity spews the most disgusting evil vile profanities.
She needs help.
SA is a crime

Diddy committed the crime and was allowed to continue . He has power influence & was untouchable but now he has angered the true elites that have the power & they are now allowing all his crimes to be revealed & must now face the consequences. The Elites are not protecting him but themselves & Feds made sure the tapes they where involved in where confiscated & not part of investigations in criminal case . The j lo’s the Kevin Harts etc are collateral damage .
The crime is, he drugged them.
She sooo wrong. She just like attention.
She right
She is not attractive. No close ups for you sweety

I'm tryna hit
Toni is smart as f..k.. She made a good point…

Well, don’t forget about the fact that he took advantage of minors that’s what they need to take him to court for. It’s obvious from looking at videos that he is taking advantage of Justin Bieber. Usher and Orlando Brown when they were under age. It’s also illegal to lace the drinks of people just to take advantage of them. Personally, I’m hoping he goes to jail for the rest of his life.
He saw this man kill someone and nothing was done…….he was scared for his life
Shes got a high … I mean a very high body count
You can not tell me that this woman is not street-smart… if there's something that this woman is knowledgeable about, it is people the she…. knows. To my understanding she was a stripper… You don't think
That she knows the people that do all the shady shit? More importantly, she has been at family gatherings with the Kardashians, with Kanye..as a "mother in law"…
This woman is a National Treasure. She must be protected at all costs
Preach it Sis……Spot On !…..A grown a$$ man.. !