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اشترك هنا! شاهد أفضل ما في Sway في الصباح! تعرف على المزيد من عالم Sway

[Playlist Specific Hashtag] #SwaysUniverse #SwayInTheMorning #SiriusXM #Shade45 حول SWAY’s UNIVERSE مقابلات حصرية من Sway Calloway وفريق Sway In The Morning/ SwaysUniverse.com مع بعض من أكبر المشاهير اليوم، مثل Kevin Hart وKanye West وEminem وUsher وJessica Alba وSteve Aoki وTorey Lanez وJulia Stiles وغيرهم الكثير.

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26 تعليق

  1. Yess she is 💯 right on how high school snd college/universities Watch what you are doing /did in especially in grade 10&11 !! And of course grade 12 !! So listen up y’all this Ingo is 💯 right !! What u do bsck then WILL FOLLOW YOU ! And it will decide if u get accepted into a certain college /universities. ✅❤️🇨🇦

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