انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على امتيازات: Tokyo Toni (والدة Blac Chyna) القصة الكاملة: عائلة كارداشيان، ILLUMINATI، Kanye، الزواج، الجنس والشهرة —– تبرع لشركة REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #blacchyna |موقع قفشات
انضم إلى هذه القناة للحصول على امتيازات: Tokyo Toni (والدة Blac Chyna) القصة الكاملة: عائلة كارداشيان، ILLUMINATI، Kanye، الزواج، الجنس والشهرة —– تبرع لشركة REALLYFE PRODUCTIONS CashApp $RealLyfeProductions اشترك في Patreon للحصول على محتوى حصري تحقق من متجرنا عبر الإنترنت !!! اشترك للحصول على مقابلات جديدة (والمزيد) أسبوعيًا: تابعنا على Soundcloud: iTunes: تابعنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: Facebook: Soundcloud: جهة الاتصال: البريد الإلكتروني: mail@reallyfeproductions.com الهاتف: 469-805-3991 (رسالة نصية) العلامات: #ReallyfeStreetStarz #tokyotoni #blacchyna |موقع قفشات
47 تعليق
Tokyo so preeety 80s gurl

I believe she has not had surgery and she looks great bcuz of it.

She is a beautiful woman
Naturally beautiful
some odd reason I got a crush on her
Black china gone on and for give your mom for what ever you think she might of done to you can't you see This women is trying to reach you can't you meet her half way God said it's the right thing to do God bless
She was really pretty her daughter looks A LOT like how her mother used to look
She probably could cook up a storm.
She's a narcissist

No comment
She’s fire
I'm so sorry but your ugly inside & out….
wants to her daughter
She wants to black china
You are so pretty get rid of that red lipstick it does nothing for you

She really is a nice llokn lady, she needs to stop putting her daughter down. Two heads r better than one,together they could make money
This lady is Beautiful as Hell she just got so much anger that it’s hard to see the beauty now
Her daughter is way more beautiful than she is !
Naw naw and the gap naw
Her attitude makes her not pretty to me and the way she treats her daughter she raised her but says everyone is faking everything people change and give their lives to god doesnt make her a fake her mama said she is gods child no she isnt gids children dont lie ,judge ,or treat their kids like she does .She needs help she is toxic and very broken inside it shows ,if something happend to angela her mom would be devastated.I think her mama is jelious of angela deep down .
I luv that gap
They could have used a different 80's picture
Yeah but she’s jealous of her daughter and it’s SAD because it’s like a LOVE/ HATE and hope she gets some help

praying for your Healing In JESUS Name Amen

Tokyo is pretty, and Angela is her twin… Hopefully, things will get better between them.
I think fixing her gapppp would be good she’s pretty but why not loook better
I don't care how pretty or how bad her body is. She still has a F'd up personality and is a horrible mother.
Beautiful till this day
All natural yasss
Who cares?
I figured it out. She is trying to be like Tokyo Toni black Chyna is trying to be like her mom.
She sees herself in her daughter but Chyna is smarter wit her hustle
But Ma Dukes is a baddie and beautiful in her own right

Beautiful lady

Clearly she hasn't had surgery look up ugly she looks nothing like your beautiful daughter
It's so sad to see how these comments rooting for her knowing how evil this person is pushing the history of how she treats her own family especially her daughter she's doing this for cloud which I don't understand what she's already cleaner
She is in competition with her daughter and it's weird
Angela & Toni both are beautiful
Toni is still a hottie
Beautiful goddess
Have several seats…you're on social media acting tf out! You're not supportive, respectful or NONE of the things a MOTHER should be! If you're being paid for all of this footers you're engaging in you should give to your daughter, who has entered a renaissance phase, and is trying to turn the corner for her KIDS
I love this picture of her. So Stunning!!!
WOW Wow wow wow!! Gorgeous woman!!! Beautiful

Toni Sweets…..if you grew up INDA 90's them VHS tapes and DVDs you kno wussup wit dat Toni Sweets
She could use some on her GAP!!! JUST SAYING!!!
Good genes!