يتم نشر مقاطع الفيديو كل يوم! أحبكم جميعًا! القناة الرئيسية: تابعوا حساباتي على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي 👇🏽 Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: njacob0201 أنا أقدر حقًا كل الدعم من كل فرد من أفراد الأسرة! أحبكم يا رفاق! |موقع قفشات


40 تعليق

  1. I'm So Glad To See That She Is Making A Change In Her Life. 1 Peter 3:3-4 Your Beauty Should Be The Unfading Beauty Of A Gentle And Quiet Spirit Which Is Of Great Worth In God's Sight. May God Continue To Bless Her And Her Beautiful Family.

  2. She only became "natural" again bc the Kardashians did. Funny how once they got skinny and removed all their crap, she did. I'm still very happy for her and I'm sure she'll truly be happier with herself for doing it but it sucks it took her to do this bc of the others she wants to be like especially when they're crappy people and she's prob way better of a person then they are ya know? Smh

  3. This is a nice reality show she came up with. Im sure she’s going to get big bucks from this. No she’s doing something many woman can’t afford o undo even if they wanted to. This is why im not supporting this.

  4. I love it because it doesn't seem like she is faking it. She is just really taking her walk with Jesus slow and steady and staying in the word. Her actions are really speaking louder then anything else. I pray that the Holy Fire doesn't get quenched by satan because I know he sure hates seeing her change in this way. But he will not have the victory over her soul in Jesus Mighty Name Amen!!!!✝️💪👊💖🙏✝️

  5. We're supposed to do things under The Most High in secret. Why are they always broadcasting these things to the public? I don't trust anyone who always needs to be in front of cameras drawing followers unto themselves. That speaks insecurity…

  6. Nope. You're monitored by an anesthesiologist when you're put to sleep. Lol. I've been put under several times. Just don't like the smell of the gas at the beginning but you are knocked the heck out after that until you wake up from recovery.

  7. She got baptized a year ago! She went to the grammy's this year! Looking very demonic! I haven't heard her say anything about the most high! I heard her say when she was fornicating and would get her behind slapped it would swell up so that's the reason for her taking out her butt implants! Continue to pray for her!

  8. A can’t believe your praising this satanic demon she’s a liar she’s led half the world a stray including myself at some point, she sold her soul recently she’s protected things are staged like her whole life she a had a baby to get back at a whole family in the name of Jesus pray for her kids not this person giving her a praise after most people have got these “ass shots” because of her Nicki Minaj kardashians please don’t give these people the blood sucking ora they have around to our poor eyes😂

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