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41 تعليق

  1. When you've been in your kids life all their life
    You always see them as your babies
    So u might take it wrong cause your parents made u grow up fast
    And weren't affectionate with u
    So yeah i can see why some of u take it offensive 🤷‍♂️

  2. My beautiful black Queen you and Ms Dwight is the only one don't have a problem telling the truth about all of them that's why some say bad things about y'all and all y'all doing is telling the truth to things that's bad have been done to them and you can see it in the son and daughter 😂😂

  3. On the cheek when they're babies and maybe little toddlers but once they're grown up like 9-10 not sure I just give my kids hugs and tell them I love them ❤but never honestly ever kissed them on the lips ever

  4. I hear her but also can we stop sexualising EVERYTHING, that’s a father and son relationship and it looks like he wasn’t intentionally kissing him on the mouth I think Jaden was trying to look away and they ended up like that Idk but we can’t sexualise everything

  5. Whats worse than kidding around with your son to embarrass him is calling your daughter everything but a child of God because she changed her life and turned to the Lord and cut your toxic ass off .Your daughter has to look tiwards other women for a mother figure and love because you are a trash mother whose on cocaine 😡

  6. The word weird is inappropriate and doesn’t fit. It is beyond weird. It is pushing perverted. This is down right creepy. And didn’t Jaden profess his love for Tyler the Creator. Wow!

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