كشفت بلاك شاينا عبر حسابها على إنستغرام يوم الاثنين أنها حصلت على درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب من كلية ساكرامنتو اللاهوتية وكلية الكتاب المقدس في وقت سابق من هذا العام. |موقع قفشات
كشفت بلاك شاينا عبر حسابها على إنستغرام يوم الاثنين أنها حصلت على درجة الدكتوراه في الآداب من كلية ساكرامنتو اللاهوتية وكلية الكتاب المقدس في وقت سابق من هذا العام. |موقع قفشات
36 تعليق
Off course it's liberal arts
This is a stretch. I’m glad she’s making better decisions, but I’m probably Never going to call her Dr. Angela White.
This was an honorary doctorate degree
I hope she didn’t get ripped off. I have a masters in nursing and I couldn’t go straight to a masters, it just doesn’t work that way, not in the US.
Every time she improves herself people down her like I don’t get it.
Lol…no bachelors no masters just straight to doctorate?

So she buys a bogus doctorate an renounces stuff that already made her millions upon millions of dollars , not hating at all wish her the best but can't help seeing through this bull shat.
Proud of you Chyna! Congratulations
Its worthless
Liberal arts from a bible college? Ha ha ha!! PHD=piled higher and deeper.
Fake doctorate degree
3:19"…all about me…" not all about her savior? Sounds like a false conversion…
She's way more beautiful than her past. Jesus is everything
Now let the Kardashians beat that!!!!!

for her.
WHY does Hallie dress this way? And Blac Chyna can't have a doctorate in English… such bad grammar.
Run head on for the Lord Angela. The devil is maaaaaad.

*Angela White Now Has a Doctorate
Schools can’t make preachers or remove sins. Only God can do this!
the lies
I was all for her until she dropped this bogus degree on us! Now it just seems so disingenuous
top tier business woman ngl. it’s clear as day what her intentions are. id rather this than the hoe shit any day, though.
Angela White she looks so good without all those fillers. She looks much younger she looks more pleasant and she looks like she's at peace I like the new her that I see so far

If that ain't one of those fake degrees u buy
Anne to that
Sometimes living the lifestyle you think is all glamorous and perfect is not. We seen her as that but she is human like the rest of us and just probably wants a normal lifestyle now. Think about all the money she spent on fillers, and plastic surgery, it's got to be mills. And none of it made her happy, only her fans and men who wish they could smash. She was eye candy. Whatever it is you're doing I wish you much well! Lay low and focus on you!

Bitch, it's NOT Black Chyna. Her name is Angela you mofos so disrespectful. Standing there all in your fucking white privilege. Please call her Angela.
Yeeeesss. It's never, ever too late to embrace change for the better!!! We got u sis

A Christian doesn't put their life on display like she does. She did not work 8 plus years in school like most people. You only boast in Christ, any Christian knows that. I wanted to believe her but she loves the fame and attention too much.
Hmmm how ironic…she was earning a doctorate degree at a seminary based college as she had demonic tattoos and living the life opposite of what her college would represent. Nevertheless, SHE EARNED IT versus it being bestowed upon her in an "honorary" category or ceremony…GOOD FOR HER. On a side note, both her kids look like their respective fathers.
She's so beautiful now….i al so proud of you….
It's Angrla White!!!