تتفاعل أنجيلا وايت، المعروفة سابقًا باسم بلاك شاينا، عاطفيًا أثناء لم شملها مع والدتها، طوكيو توني، في برنامج The Tamron Hall Show. النجمة، التي كانت تحتفل بعام واحد من الرصانة في البرنامج الحواري، تبكي عندما فاجأتها والدتها بالبالونات. كانت أنجيلا صريحة في الماضي بشأن علاقتها المنفصلة مع والدتها قبل أن يتصالح الاثنان في وقت سابق من هذا الصيف. |موقع قفشات


35 تعليق

  1. I feel like Angela liberated the real Toni. That’s wild how her courage really had to shine for that to happen. It’s like, we kinda heard her moms cry for help in that way on the show when she would say ‘that is not who I birthed. I don’t know what that is’. She was hurt by what her child had become and she felt disrespected by all of it but at the same time you could see the jealous come out and how she even started dressing herself up like her daughter.

    God is sooo very good!! Praise Him in the highest!!! Restoration indeed!

  2. Her mom was only that way cause when Chyna was on drugs she was wilding the hell out I know them personally they always had the dopest bond u til black Chyna got famous and lost herself she just a hood mom that’s it they always beeen close

  3. If theyve reconciled I hope Angela set some EXTREMELY strong boudaries with her mom. Cause idk if Toni has an imbalace or what but i feel like a lot of her own issues root from her and i dont think her mom is doing the work that she is.

  4. We all make mistakes…we all have our "share" of "skeletons ".. nobodys can throw that "stone".. i dint know you but, I pray for your health, and positive recovery in your life.Keep the faith, god will lead you…blessings

  5. Tokyo Tony seems so cool, comes off as this sweet kind loving, like able fun human being…. But it’s all fake, putting on a show, pretend… Everything Tokyo Tony would say about Angela was really Tony describing her self… the bipolar, very manipulative, narcissistic, & the biggest hater, very very jealous of her own daughter, & Tony thinks she should be a big deal, it should have been her not her daughter…. Tony thinks what ever her daughter has should be hers, Angela is a self made celebrity self made millionaire & Tony thinks her daughters success should be her own & Angela should hand everything over & give Tony what ever she wants… If Angela don’t do what Tony wants 😳😱look the f-k out! Tony gets very toxic especially if she don’t get her way & can’t be the boss & in control over Angela’s life, & everyone else around her,, so she can make it her own…. I feel so bad for Angela White she is a very beautiful sweet woman who really has a good heart, & who’s worked hard to get where she is today, Angela made it happen for her self, nobody but Angela … But so many ppl want to take the credit for Angela’s success… It wasn’t nobody responsible for Angela white’s fame but Angela. It wasn’t Tigers or tigger, what ever his name was, it wasn’t Kyleigh, it wasn’t Rob Kardashian, Sorry but the world knew who Blac Chyna was way before we knew who Tigger was, & way before the world knew who Kim K. Was… That’s the true facts …. Blac Chyna AKA Angela White got noticed all on her own, she was seen with Tigger & no body really knew who he was, Chyna was photographed bc of her looks & hotness & photographed bc of her hot gorgeous body & cool AF colorful wigs! & also been known to play in Nikki Minaj is videos & Nikki’s body double ….. & Drake wrote a song about Chyna , but I would see her in magazines way before I knew anything about her…. Angela White owes her success to nobody but her self…. Same for Amber Rose…. They both are self made celebrities famous for there looks & style & hotness 💯

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