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23 تعليق

  1. What is she talking about? He wasn't a "financer." His "career" was a heavily financed facade to bait celebrities and politicians. He was an agent of the Mossad, working to blackmail people by video recording, uh, activities. You'all are pumping her up to think she knows every single thing.

  2. NO ONE questions WHY the hell, and WTF was Stephen Hawking doing there? He was a quadrapledric, couldn't speak without a machine.. He's NOT going to go through ALL that for a "business" deal or investment. Stephen Hawkins would've made everyone go to him.. Just from a medical point of view, all the medical equipment, etc.. it makes ZERO sense, unless he was doing something that he couldn't do on American soil… 🤷🤬

  3. She doesn’t make sense. He very well could be the reason some of these “billionaires” are billionaires. He was a financier. They literally help you with investments, mergers of companies, acquisitions of companies, and all type of other things to help you multiply your money.

  4. These Billionaires are Pedos. Get them out of our Society. They have the List and not arresting these people. TRUMP said he was GOING to lock them up and this is the under current of why they do not want him as our President. You forget he sign that Executive Order to take them Down.

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