انضمي إلينا في محادثة حميمة مع أنجيلا وايت، المعروفة سابقًا باسم بلاك شاينا، حيث تتحدث بصراحة عن لحظاتها المفضلة كأم، والدروس الحياتية القيمة التي تعلمتها في الحياة، وعصر الموضة المفضل لديها على الإطلاق. اكتشفي رحلتها الملهمة ومنظورها حول كونها مسيحية. لا تفوتي هذه المقابلة الحصرية المليئة بالرؤى الصادقة والنصائح الملهمة والمزيد! املئي خزانتك الآن: انقري على 🔥 اشتركي 🔥 لمزيد من المحتوى! انضمي إلى عائلة نوفا 👇 Fashion Nova Instagram: NovaMEN Instagram: FashionNovaCurve Instagram: NovaKIDS Instagram: Nova BEAUTY: Maven Beauty Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: #Interview #FashionNovaInterview #Interview2024 |موقع قفشات


10 تعليقات

  1. Misleading. Don‘t know which Jesus she is talking about, but It’s not the God of the bible.
    Maybe she never red that book. That is the problem of many celebritys. They just creating their own Image of God instead of realising they are created by him … Hope she open her eyes. Bless her 🤍

  2. she is wrong! God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit ( Triune God) Himself tells us to dress modestly ( 1 Timothy 2:9-10), to be Holy as He is Holy ( 1 Peter 1:15-16), to forsake this world and not be conformed to it ( Romans 12:1-2), to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow Him ( Luke 9:23). she needs to repent and start walking in obedience and Holiness, she needs to stop being lukewarm and pray to become on fire for God.

  3. My fellow Christians can be so annoying sometimes. You do know Adam and Eve were naked in the garden and then realized they were after they ate from the forbidden tree when sin entered the world? It was because their mindset on how they saw themselves and each other changed. If you are saying what she’s wearing is not “Christ-like” you are the problem. Im sure she wouldn’t wear that to church. As long as you dress appropriately to fit the occasion I see nothing wrong with what she wearing. Y’all gonna say something if she wears a bikini at the beach? Get out of here and stop worrying about how people dress when we should be concerned about their soul. The only requirement for following Jesus is proclaiming he died on the cross for you and wanting to follow him. That’s what she’s doing. Everyone’s journey with the lord is different. She has a beautiful shape and is a beautiful girl so honestly I’m sure whatever she wears those Christians who have a problem with it will over sexualize her. God looks at the heart not the outer appearance. As she grows closer to Christ her fashion may change. Sanctification is a process and her fashion actually has changed a wholeeee lot since following Christ. I think what’s she has on is fine. Angela you look beautiful and you dress well wearing what fits you and highlights your beauty. I’m glad your faith and relationship with God is strong where you don’t let the Christians concerned about what you wear affect you. Keep getting close to the Lord. ❤

  4. Her comments about being a Christian is wrong. If she’s going to continue to live the same life what is she actually saved from?

    People want the World and the word and it doesn’t go hand and hand. She NEEDS a relationship. Holiness and Righteousness is key! The world wants people to believe they can claim Christianity but not do anything different, not live different!

    There ARE requirements to living for GOD!!!! Having a certificate doesn’t put anyone closer to him. Changing your name but not your life doesn’t put a person closer to him! quoting a scripture or two doesn’t make a person closer to him. It’s the inward change!

    The inward work that shows a person has a relationship with GOD and when it’s inward, it will manifest outward to show they are a different person! God has requirements people!!! Don’t let these celebrities fool y’all!

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