#MaryJaneTVCreation انضم إلى قناة جديدة Cashapp $Maryjanetv بلاك شاينا تنهار باكية وتنتهي من كونها متابعًا أنجيلا هاز رايزن تنتهي من إزالة الفلتر بلاك شاينا 💋 رائدة الأعمال على إنستغرام أنجيلا وايت @blacchynacloset @lashedcosmetics السينما والتلفزيون @thefirmlosangeles *إخلاء المسؤولية عن حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب القسم 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر لعام 1976، يُسمح بـ “الاستخدام العادل” لأغراض مثل النقد والتعليق والتقارير الإخبارية والتدريس والمنح الدراسية والبحث. الاستخدام العادل هو استخدام مسموح به بموجب قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر والذي قد يكون منتهكًا بخلاف ذلك. يميل الاستخدام غير الهادف للربح أو التعليمي أو الشخصي الميزان لصالح الاستخدام العادل. لا يقصد انتهاك حقوق الطبع والنشر. جميع الحقوق مملوكة لأصحابها* |موقع قفشات


26 تعليق

  1. I am praying for Angela White. She is a beautiful young woman; most of all is the beauty within! The love of Jesus makes the transformation! Hold on you have many people in your corner through this journey. 🙏🏾

  2. I first want to say congratulations to Blac Chyna for her decision to change her life! I hope that she surrounds herself with Godly Christ followers who will encourage her and guide her in the right path. Following Christ is not a walk in the park, it's not easy. We are a Kingdom of sufferers in this dark world as Christians; this might sound foreign to those that no not God or the gospel of Jesus Christ. The world and its material idols are not attractive as they were before the conversion. Read and more importantly study your Bible sweetie and let God give you experimental knowledge. Some of it may even be uncomfortable but worldly tranquility is not necessarily the peace of God. Jesus said, " peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth give I unto you".Your emotions are up, you feel liberated and ready; but the training wheels will come off, and God will test your faith to see what manner of faith it is. No one in Christ is perfect, but know that He has made us perfect in Him, for He died unto the Law. My sister, don't comprise with the devil, and he operates through people, even family. We are tempted in the things that we really want to do. Be strong! You are in the public eye, therefore it will be some pressure. You're not perfect, so don't beat yourself up over a mistake. Cleave to your emotional high, don't let it go. Some days you my not feel spiritual, and you may not even feel saved at times, but we don't walk by feelings, we walk by faith. Buy you a Greek and Hebrew lexicon and study my sister, and understand that "the devil as a roaring lion seeks whom He may devour, and he is the accuser of the brethren. Many are waiting even now to judge you, or to watch to see you slip. My advice , stay out of the public eye, study, learn and let God teach. Don't go before the world yet preaching, for the devil is crafty. Again Congratulations!!! And God bless you!!

  3. She looks and acts like a whole new person like the old chyna has died and this new beautiful glowing happy Chyna that God has touched, you are blessed and highly favored! God bless you sis! You are a beautiful soul!!!

  4. Well done BC. Wellcome back to the land of the living Children of the Most High. Be proud of yourself and your journey.

  5. Aww I feel bad like she needs support from a good Christian group of ladies. I'm glad she is removing her cosmetic surgery. I feel like she is very stressed. To tell you the truth I never knew who she was till she did all of these videos about removing the fillers etc.. . Well we all need good moral support and hugs .

  6. I’M SOOOOO PROUD OF BLACK CHYNAAAA 💓💓☺️☺️‼️‼️‼️‼️ y’all ‼️ She’s not lying tho… GIVE 👏🏽 YA 👏🏽 BODY 👏🏽 TIME 👏🏽 TO 👏🏽 FULLY 👏🏽DEVELOP 👏🏽‼️‼️ EVERYONE IS NATURALLY BEAUTIFUL OR GOOD LOOKING 💯✨ It’s just everyone’s POV of BEAUTY is DIFFERENT 💯💯👏🏽👏🏽‼️‼️‼️

  7. ❤❤❤ I don't care what the reason is some people saying is a journey some people saying this cuz she's sick anyway it goes is important to her. We all have seen her mother what she is trying to do just by her mother alone can be difficult and still she staying ten toes down she is still respectful and never really say anything bad about her mother and never will hit her for that alone I respect her because there are so many disrespectful children out here today and these be the one who have got everything in life with a mother the single and did everything she could do and it's still don't matter they hold grudges and there are self-entitled and they are spoiled so congratulation just for that alone. Now onto her journey Blac Chyna we are here for you no matter what you are beautiful on the inside and outside and everybody got their bad days it's okay I hope the best for you for now on whatever you want to do or whatever your dreams is you will get it I don't know you but I know your story and that is facts real talk right now please keep God first always pay attention to your guts in your intuition meditate think twice before you say things stand on your word and always and I mean always know when it's time to move on God bless you Blac Chyna Beaver babies and your future❤❤❤😊

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