She looks a mess that damage had ALREADY STARTED thank God she caught it before it got out of control like Lil Kim but all that surgery really aged her face bad she started looking 50 over night
y’all are so gullible. She is on a “clear up my image “tour. She just landed a part on a show where she plays the quirky cute and funny little sister. Also just because you get dunked in water but does not mean that you are a Christian. It only means that you went down dry and came up with.
Shez naturally Gorgeous. Good thst shez embracing her natural looks & speaks about tye effects of the fillers in the body. Hope this would make an impact on younger generation to stay away from fillers & implants.
Let's be real! 1st I do believe her. But my question is, what really happened to make it happen ? Did she see something or experienced something to make a change? The devil is real and after seeing what she has been through I believe the lord showed her something and she she don't want that life!! I want to hear that story!!
Never was a massive fan but don't wish girl anything bad . I think she was played BIG time by the kardash sisters so hope she found peace by doings all this , this change
She looks so much better!!! Bless her and I hope she can move far away from the drama filled Kardashian family! Bless her! Angela, you don't need anything extra!
I hope the best for her; The Lord Be Praised She is, after all, a naturally beautiful woman. So coming back to her natural self, I hope starts a positive trend in that horrendous town.
Good for her! She wants a good life just like everyone else, there's no need nor is there any room for rude remarks to a beautiful person whom we don't even know! I wish her nothing but PURE LOVE and JOY IN HER LIFE! GOD BLESS US ALL!
35 تعليق
She looks so beautiful and all toned up, or should I say, ripped! Good for her!!
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone look so good after reversing their surgeries
I actually feel for her…She definitely been screwed over by the kardashions.
Tyga treated her disgraceful.
No she didn’t not them Miami fillers ok
She looks very healthy.
She looks AMAZING. I'm so proud of her
Hope she goes into acting
Angela is beautiful
She still has filler and a lot of it
She looks a mess that damage had ALREADY STARTED thank God she caught it before it got out of control like Lil Kim but all that surgery really aged her face bad she started looking 50 over night
I’m happy for her and hope she finds her peace!

Lookn like a life size Betty Boop
y’all are so gullible. She is on a “clear up my image “tour. She just landed a part on a show where she plays the quirky cute and funny little sister. Also just because you get dunked in water but does not mean that you are a Christian. It only means that you went down dry and came up with.
Shez naturally Gorgeous. Good thst shez embracing her natural looks & speaks about tye effects of the fillers in the body.
Hope this would make an impact on younger generation to stay away from fillers & implants.
When you broke lol
She has always been beautiful
Very Very nice and beautiful
Let's be real! 1st I do believe her. But my question is, what really happened to make it happen ? Did she see something or experienced something to make a change? The devil is real and after seeing what she has been through I believe the lord showed her something and she she don't want that life!! I want to hear that story!!
Angela Bassett
Yesssssss good for you.
She's so pretty, always has been! Proud of her! Let's gooooo Angela!
Wow she looks so pretty
Way better look!

Wow. I've seen her look

God Bless her .

She really looks beautiful now…
Never was a massive fan but don't wish girl anything bad . I think she was played BIG time by the kardash sisters so hope she found peace by doings all this , this change
Wow she is beautiful without those fillers
She looks gorgeous

. She never need fillers and she will age flawlessly not a wrinkle or crow foot insight!!!!
She looks so much better!!! Bless her and I hope she can move far away from the drama filled Kardashian family! Bless her! Angela, you don't need anything extra!
I hope the best for her; The Lord Be Praised
She is, after all, a naturally beautiful woman. So coming back to her natural self, I hope starts a positive trend in that horrendous town.
And her Mom disslikes her for this
I See Just positive changes
She does look so beautiful!! Just move away from that family and she will look even better. Stress does a number on your skin & mind!!
Good for her! She wants a good life just like everyone else, there's no need nor is there any room for rude remarks to a beautiful person whom we don't even know! I wish her nothing but PURE LOVE and JOY IN HER LIFE! GOD BLESS US ALL!