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34 تعليق
Is he coming for cameo or he is in this series?
I just hope it doesnt devolve into the same story over and over and over again like the old series
Honestly the show can just be called "Harvey Specter LA".
I will only watch la suits due to Harvey specter
wow this tv show as great lighting
How long is he back for?
I heard also LOUIS will team up!! ❤❤
He is back
Finally suits without annoying Meghan Markle who ruined the entire show with her cheapness
NOO WAYY is the show really that bad? lol they had no choice but to bring back Harvey
Never watching….
The best closer in NYC.
Harvey is back, reason to watch it…
I am enjoying Suits LA! Excited to see Harvey (but I want to see Harvey and Mike)
He went up from 18!
“Oh you think I couldn’t take you.”
Um. Nope. You don't want to be against Harvey Spector. He’d be wise to learn from Harvey, though.
Don't disrespect Harvey Reginald Specter. Period!!
I only watching because of Harvey!!
Has anyone else noticed how SIMILAR THEY SOUND?!!?!? Like the new guy SOUNDS like Harvey?! No??!?!?
They must have been hurting badly in the ratings if they had to bring in Harvey's character
So its macallan 25 now ??…..
ngl suits LA is trash
If I got into shyt, I would want Havery and Litt on my team.
Episode 1 was a bust and I promptly left but I'll be coming back for sure with cameos from not only Harvey but Louis as well
If Harvey shot arrows, they’d wear cufflinks.
Harvey Specter: I don't play the odds I play the man
Please bring mike backkkkk
Life is here _ I like it here ‾‾‾‾
Their is a new series 😮
So Harvey still doesn’t have a wedding ring??
Harvey, I think you can't play with the green arrow, sorry.
alright alright, your trying to pull us into it, its working, so dont stop