كيفن هانتر، زوج ويندي ويليامز السابق يهاجم ويندي ويليامز بشكل مباشر على إنستغرام. يهدد بفضح بلاك شاينا وكل من يقف وراء الفيلم الوثائقي عن ويندي. كان يستعد للمحكمة هذا الصباح. وكما يعلم الكثير منكم، كان كيفن يحاول إعادة مدفوعات نفقته. ومع ذلك، يقول وصي ويندي إنه يتقاضى أجرًا زائدًا ويدين لويندي بالمال. يعبر كيفن عن أنه لديه الكثير من الوظائف التي تنتظره الشهر المقبل. انتقد الكثير من الناس كيفن لكونه مفلسًا. يرجى الاطلاع على أصدقائنا Inspired By Candle Co. ستترك هذه الشموع منزلك برائحة طيبة للغاية. للحصول على خصم 10٪ على عملية الشراء الخاصة بك، استخدم رمز الخصم AT210 #wendywilliams #kevinhunter #blacchyna #angelawhite #celebritynews #at2 #at2entertainment |موقع قفشات


41 تعليق

  1. Kelvin Hunter is dead wrong about the marital situation BUT Kelvin is the only one inadvertently fighting for Wendy Williams millions against the thieving corrupt Guardian and crooked judge that appointed her. Black people should be outraged at the Guardian for stealing all of Wendy's money.

  2. While I dont like Kelvin, I feel like he can get down to the bottom of where Wendy is located. Sabrina needs to release Wendy's banking information and let her family know where she is. As awful as he is, the Judge sided with him and that speaks volumes.

  3. Most ppl who have a plethora of jobs & are doing bigs things, don't talk; they show. If he was all that, he wouldn't NEED to bring Wendy's name up during every lil speech. Let's hear about Sharina & how she played him. Pathetic attempt to represent himself. And another thing, no one is thinking about him.

  4. You know a dude is backed into a corner when he starts barking “to get a man!” 😂😂😂 Wendy got a “man” (aka YOU, Kelvin) and you cleaned her tf out like the man child you are. Now your little side bop left you while you broke and begging. Without WW, no one would recognize this ol egghead on the street 😂

  5. Good for you, Kevin! Get those jobs and make that money!!! Why you trying to defend yourself so hard if you're doing all the right things? How do you think you have no part in destroying this woman? My heart hurts for Wendy.

  6. Lmao he’s talkin bout blac chyna who went to go see her out of the goodness of her heart being crooked? He’s the one who cheated on her, drove her to drink, caused her stress which lead to health issues, and ran off with a mistress and took her money and he’s telling blac chyna to sit down. The cognitive dissonance

  7. No one told you to sue Wendy to take funds from her pension. He didn't mention that he was overpaid during the divorce settlement for $122,000, or paying Wendy back that money. Why when people are in trouble always talk about God and they are blessed!?🙄😞

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