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21 تعليق
I’m still not entirely convinced that this show isn’t just a fever dream after downing too much Nyquill before bed
"You're so sweaty, aren't you one of those Melamanians?"
Man, Glover has done standup, sketch comedy with DerrickComedy, written for comedy shows, acted in sitcoms.
And he's still on the backfoot the entire interview. Andre is literally nonstop the entire time, you can feel Donald's unease through the screen.
This show feels like 3/4 a DXM bottle
Is that Ez da block captain in a wig?
donald glover gets a taste of derrick comedy
The "What up buddy?" And the cut with his name on the screen is hilarious
Nigguh with the wig looks like eazy the block captain😂😂😂😂😂
Every show is like a dream 😂
this is such a fever dream lol
Oh my goshhh😂
The yoki experience
"Where's your phone? Ain't you one of those melee manias or whatever?" lives rent-free in my head now.
Genius skit 😂
Just remember, this guy worked with Dan Harmon.
this is exactly what it's like to ride the subway around 5 pm
"So it wasn't a DC sniper relationship?"
This part took me out, what an odd reference to make 😂
I'm dead. I dunno why but this got me real bad. Someone please check on me tomorrow make sure my heart didn't stop.