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30 تعليق
Bishop go to church
Blac Chyna doll don't Fck the wrong dude
She is very very beautiful they way God made her.
Yes!!! I'd love to see more of this on red carpet. F heels
She is enjoying her new walk with Jesus.
I don't see any different with blac Chyna new appearance, she still look the same to me, just saying🤷🏾🤷🏾🤣🤣😆. Anyhow, wishing her all the success and happiness regardless.💕
With them eyebrows way up on the forehead looking surprised and startled.
Looking good girl stay up❤❤
Big boobs aint neva out for white men for sho!
To me she looks the same so I'm not sure what kind of work she had originally but this has to be her original face cause she looks identical to her mom now
She looks like a teletubby now 🤔
The Celebrity World tells us we have to looks a certain way. I do see the difference in her face and her daughter Dream are looking more alike cause you all thought Dream favored her dad.
She Looks Naturally Beautiful, She Did Not Need All That Plastic Surgery!!😊💖🙏
She is even more beautiful than before! 💕🥰
You are a beautiful woman ⚘️ 😍
She looks the same to me. I'm not buying the Born-Again publicity stunt. Why not pull old photos of her via the pre-Kardashian era, like, BEFORE the low-budget shows. She was "without fillers" then. She either couldn't afford them, or they weren't mainstream.
She still blown out.
She uses her name Angela White. Stop calling her Blac Chyna
It’s not a new look , she turned to God and let go of all the bs
People say she looks so different now because she took all her fillers out, but she literally still looks the same to me😂
I always lol when celebs show up with a different face
She's had a nose job and some jaw line work done at least between these two pictures
Wow, she does look so much better. Her face is gorgeous!
I'm proud of her she never needed it she was gorgeous before all the surgerie's.💕💕💕💕
she’s never looked better, even her energy has changed 🌹
This just goes to show u that women don’t get these surgeries for men. Among women, big boobs are not as desired right now as average size for multiple reasons. Most of us want smaller boobs, but of course, men are thinking from they’re perspective.
Talk about wanting to look like a white girl….
Why are you not talking about Danny Masterson??? he was found guilty